Fairpark Road
The scheme has been amended following the pre-application discussions as reported at the last meeting. A desk top archaeology report has been commissioned and received, which will be needed to accompany the planning application. It confirms that although the area adjoins a Roman road and is close to the former Bull Meadow Hospital, most of the archaeology was probably removed during the construction of the current buildings in 1928. An archaeological trench investigation will take place to assess and evaluate the nature of any deposits and it is likely that a suitable planning condition will be imposed if consent is granted.
Atwill Palmer
The Trust’s Architect, Russ Palmer, has recently produced a draft scheme which will be presented in the near future to the Planning and Listed Building Officers at Exeter City Council. The scheme suggested will provide 27 units and a common room, comprised of sixteen one bed flats and eleven two bed flats. The one bedroom flats will be somewhat larger than at present and will be fit for contemporary purpose. We do feel however that nothing material is likely to happen at Atwill Palmer until at least 2019.